03/31/22 10:31PM
New site userscript 2.6.5
To help alleviate some of the growing pains with the new site I figured I'd sit down and spend some time writing a userscript that restores some of the old functionality that's now missing.

* Fixes for all kinds of timestamps, displays relative time as well as a proper timestamp on hover
* Reworked forum unread status
* Pool scrolling via the status bar or arrow keys
* Direct links to artist pages directly from the tags
* Blacklisted posts are actually hidden from post and comment lists
* Better image zoom with default fit-to-screen
* Click dragging for images
* Restored spoiler collapsing for the forum and comments
* Pool/favorites downloading with one click
* Post highlighting based on tags
* Restored blacklist functionality
* Popular searching
* Tag implications
* TagScript
* And a lot of other things

To use it you'll need a userscript manager like tampermonkey (firemonkey for firefox) which you can get from the browser's extension store (or google) Installing is as simple as visiting the link below, clicking the raw button and installing it via the prompt that you'll be presented with.

It should keep itself updated but if you're stuck on one of the older versions you can remove the userscript and reinstall it to fix it.

Current version: 2.6.5
04/01/22 04:00AM
Update 1.1.0
On request of a user on discord I've re-implemented the little status bar that lets you scroll through a pool without having to go back to the index.

If for whatever reason the bar doesn't pop up (or there are missing pages/the post order is wrong) you'll want to visit the page for the pool you're trying to browse first and then go to a post from there.
04/01/22 06:07AM
Update 1.2.0
Yes I know it's only been 2 hours since the last update but I'm feeling productive tonight.

Another user request, while the wiki is missing we've still got artist pages and this update makes browsing them easier, all artist tags now come with a ? link next to them which takes you directly to the search results page for their name.

And as an added bonus, search results with only a single matching artist will now save you a click and immediately navigate to that artist's page.
04/01/22 11:09AM
Detour said:
On request of a user on discord I've re-implemented the little status bar that lets you scroll through a pool without having to go back to the index.

If for whatever reason the bar doesn't pop up (or there are missing pages/the post order is wrong) you'll want to visit the page for the pool you're trying to browse first and then go to a post from there.

I really appreciate the work you do but could i make a request that you get the script to work like you had it before where you can go back and forth in a pool using the arrow keys?
04/01/22 04:17PM
Super helpful, thank you!
04/01/22 06:20PM
Argonis said:
I really appreciate the work you do but could i make a request that you get the script to work like you had it before where you can go back and forth in a pool using the arrow keys?

I had no idea that was even a feature, I'll see what I can do.
04/01/22 09:27PM
Thanks for this, this is great!

If I could perhaps ask for a few missing features:

-Concerning pools, there was an ability to search for a specific one in the "pools" page; I'm wondering if it'd be possible to reimplement that?

-Concerning blacklists, would it be possible at all to have them take newlines into account, or otherwise group them? On the old Hub, you could separate blacklisted tags by line to be able to group them together (so for instance, if you wanted to blacklist "malesub" pics, but only if it also didn't contain "femsub", you could have a single separate line featuring just "malesub -femsub").

-Finally concerning blacklists, it's a bit dumb imo that we can see huge posts with "blacklisted" written on them still visible and taking up a bunch of space in the results; would it be possible to hide them entirely like previously?
04/02/22 12:19AM
TheMadPrince said:
Thanks for this, this is great!

If I could perhaps ask for a few missing features:

-Concerning pools, there was an ability to search for a specific one in the "pools" page; I'm wondering if it'd be possible to reimplement that?

-Concerning blacklists, would it be possible at all to have them take newlines into account, or otherwise group them? On the old Hub, you could separate blacklisted tags by line to be able to group them together (so for instance, if you wanted to blacklist "malesub" pics, but only if it also didn't contain "femsub", you could have a single separate line featuring just "malesub -femsub").

Can't do either of those, implementing searches and changing blacklist behavior are things that are done by the webserver and not something I can do from the confines of your browser.

-Finally concerning blacklists, it's a bit dumb imo that we can see huge posts with "blacklisted" written on them still visible and taking up a bunch of space in the results; would it be possible to hide them entirely like previously?

This I can and will do though.
04/02/22 01:05AM
Detour said:
This I can and will do though.

Thanks - it's better than nothing, and I appreciate it muchly.
04/02/22 01:31AM
some of these might also work as its for the same software:
04/02/22 01:31AM
It's... REALLY throwing me off to see the thumbnails so big (and are those videos and Courier-font text boxes?!), but it's kinda cool. But I will say... one of my old favorite Hub pastimes was just plugging into the search bar "vote:3:sleeperhit order:random" and blowing an afternoon on endless reloads. With it just being upvotes now, I gotta wonder how I can recreate that experience.
04/02/22 02:39AM
slayerduck said:
some of these might also work as its for the same software:

The fact that there are two date fixers on there give me an unusual amount of joy.
04/02/22 03:40AM
Update 1.3.0
More requested features:

* You can scroll through a pool with just the arrow keys, no need to use the status bar anymore.
* Blacklisted posts are completely hidden from the index now.
* The comment list no longer shows you comments from hidden posts (unless you unhide them)

Hope you'll enjoy them
04/02/22 04:43AM
Detour said:
More requested features:

* You can scroll through a pool with just the arrow keys, no need to use the status bar anymore.
* Blacklisted posts are completely hidden from the index now.
* The comment list no longer shows you comments from hidden posts (unless you unhide them)

Hope you'll enjoy them

You are a technological saint.
04/02/22 02:38PM
This is great, thanks for your hard work!!
For the pool browsing, a shortcut to jump to the start of the pool would be great, maybe ctrl+left (quite used to that one) or shift+left
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